China's Robobus is launching Europe's first unmanned shuttle service at Zurich Airport. Robobus, the world's first autonomous minibus designed for urban roads, is starting operations in Europe. Zurich will be the first airport on the continent to implement this innovative transportation solution.
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V najnovšom informátore
Autonomous bus at Europe's first airport.
Why a 3-wave OTDR?
Having an OTDR device with the ability to make measurements at 3 wavelengths comes with a number of benefits. The first is the ability to provide service to a variety of customers, regardless of their requirements. Among the requirements for performing reflectometry measurements, one can find both, those in which the customer expects measurements for 1310 nm and 1550 nm and those in which only measurements at 1625 nm are expected (mainly measurements in the networks of larger operators). The OR...
Optical-copper DVB-T2 and DVB-S/S2 system in a hotel complex.
An owner of a large hotel complex commissioned the system for distribution of DVB-T2 terrestrial television signals and DVB-S/S2 satellite signals, covering 5 facilities. The purpose of the system was to provide terrestrial TV signals in the new DVB-T2 standard from a local transmitter and 15 FTA satellite programs in the form of digital DVB-T signal. TERRA brand equipment was chosen for the project....
Access to a garbage shed using Hikvision's DS-K1T805MBWX terminal.
At apartment blocks, there is always a place where garbage cans are stored. Often these are garbage sheds or a separate space in the building. Such places are usually locked, in order to prevent outsiders from dropping off garbage. When using such a solution, it should be borne in mind that every tenant should have a key, while the cylinder lock is a mechanical component that, with a large number of users, quickly wears out and should be replaced. An excellent solution in such a case is to use ...
Outdor UTP twisted-pair cable.
How to connect an IP camera when the network cable is missing?
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Archive library. The information contained therein may be outdated. HikCentral Professional is a complete platform designed to manage Hikvision-branded security systems.
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This article summarizes the knowledge for the installer who faces the task of verifying the correctness of a fiber optic system. The article describes in detail all aspects related to the idea and procedures of measurement by the transmission method.