9/32 Multiswitch: TERRA MSV-932 (trieda A, aktívny pozemný, bez zosliňovača)

Kód tovaru: R70882
Cena s DPH Zľava Počet Platnosť
€674.78 0 % od 1 ks.
K dispozícii
Multiswitch spolupracuje s dvoma LNB. Je navrhnutýpre stredné a veľké 9-káblové SMATV systémy, aj vo viacposchodových budovách (rozdelenie na podsiete).


Záruka - 4 roky.


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Terra multiswitches of MV series have been designed for medium and large 9-cable SMATV systems, also in multi-staircase buildings (with division into subnetworks).
The MV-932L R70882 multiswitch has built-in amplifiers for terrestrial and satellite TV. The adjustment of the SAT IF and DVB-T (47-790 MHz) gain is made with dedicated switches. In comparison with potentiometers, this solution increases stability of the adjustments.
The active DVB-T path has LTE filter for eliminating unwanted signals in 800 MHz band (791-862 MHz) coming from LTE services.
The die-cast housing provides high screening efficiency by preventing the penetration of interfering signals to the unit. High output levels and built-in compensation of the increased loss of signals at higher frequencies in the distribution cables allow for building large SMATV systems with subscriber lines up to 80 meters.
The multiswitch can be powered via "H" lines from SA-901 R70901 amplifier or from local power supply R71465. Each of the power sources can feed a number of multiswitches (one multiswitch consumes max 100 mA).
Distinguishing features
  • 9/32 multiswitch for systems with radial topology
  • Built-in cable loss correction
  • Groups of outputs with different output levels
  • Isolation between inputs better than 30 dB
  • Powering of optional terrestrial TV preamplifier
  • Active terrestrial TV path with LTE filter (47-790 MHz)
  • Die-cast housing guarantying high screening efficiency (class A)
Recommended Library titles:

* two carriers, DIN45004B

Technické dáta

Product type Multiswitch
2 × quatro
Series MV-9xx
Model MV-932L
type final
Type of cooperating converter Quatro Yes
Wideband No
Legacy 32
RF path Active Yes
Preamplifier power supply No
Device specifications
Input RF band MHz 47-790
SAT IF band MHz 950-2150
Gain control in RF path dB 0...-15 with step 1
gain control in SAT IF path dB 0...-12 with step 4
Output RF band MHz 47-790
SAT IF band MHz 950-2150
dBµV 88
dBµV 88
dBµV 86
dBµV 86
dBµV 84
dBµV 82
SAT IF signal level on outputs 1-16 dBµV 93
SAT IF signal level on outputs 17-24 dBµV 93
SAT IF signal level on outputs 25-32 dBµV 93
SAT IF path gain – built-in pre-correction of cable attenuation characteristics outputs 1-4 dB 7...12
outputs 5-8 dB 7...12
outputs 9-12 dB 6...10
outputs 13-16 dB 6...10
outputs 17-24 dB 5...8
outputs 25-32 dB 4...6
RF path amplification – built-in pre-correction of cable attenuation characteristics outputs 1-4 dB 4...9
outputs 5-8 dB 4...9
outputs 9-12 dB 3...7
outputs 13-16 dB 3..7
outputs 17-24 dB 2...5
outputs 25-32 dB 1...3
Input separation SAT IF dB >30
Output separation FM TV dB >35
SAT IF dB >30
Return loss TV/SAT dB >30
SAT/RF dB >40
Power on RF inputs H/Lo, H/Hi V 18
V/Lo, V/Hi V 14
Current drawn from receiver A 0,06
from H line or external power supply 18 VDC A <0.16
Control signals 14/18 V, 0/22 kHz, tone burst, DiSEqC 1.0, DiSEqC 2.0 or related
Remotely powered No
Built-in power supply No
Screening efficiency class A
Compliance with relevant national legislation Yes
Power supply V/Hz DC 18
Pracovná teplota °C -20...+50
Dimensions mm 267 × 135 × 50
Weight kg 1,86


Ako pripojiť Quatro LNB k multiprepínaču Terra

Popis výstupov satelitného LNB a multiprepínačových vstupov sú závislé na ich výrobcoch. Aby sa predišlo nejasnostiam, naše video ilustruje rozdiely a objasňuje problematiku.

Navrhovanie SMATV systémov so softvérom TERRA SatNet

Plánovanie siete a dizajn s využitím hárku papiera a ceruzky je pracná a nesie so sebou riziko chýb. Bezplatný softvér od firmy TERRA - SatNet - umožňuje navrhnúť inštalácie založené na zariadeniach vyrábané touto spoločnosťou. Program umožňuje pripraviť projekt v grafickej podobe, zistiť úrovne signálu vo všetkých zásuvkách, overiť či sú v súlade s normami a potom rozhodnúť, či chcete použiť vyrovnávaciu funkciu zosilňovača. Program umožňuje užívateľovi tieto návrhy archivovať.