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The ULTIMODE R-16 splice tray protects fiber splices and ensures a proper bending radius for each fiber. The tray is mainly dedicated for use in ULTIMODE RPU L51320 and L51340 distribution frames. One tray can accommodate 32 splices. If needed, the trays can be stacked one on top of the other.
Technické dáta
Product type
Splice tray
1. Ensure that the product is designed for the system specifications (e.g. number of fibers, type of shielding). 2. Inspect the coupler or switch for physical damage before installation. 3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation and configuration of internal components. 4. Disconnect the system from light sources before installation to avoid the risk of contact with optical radiation. 5. For installation at height, use a ladder with adequate stability. 6. Never look directly at switch ports or fiber optic terminals - light signals (e.g., lasers) can damage your vision. 7. If the coupler or switch is damaged (e.g., cracks in the housing, breaks in the connections), immediately stop using the system and make repairs according to the manufacturer's instructions. 8. Collect all waste fiber optics and place them in puncture-proof containers. 9. After completion of work, make sure that all components of the system are stably installed and cables are well secured. 10. When closing the cover of the device or sliding the panel into the switch, be careful not to accidentally pinch your hands. 11. The device may have parts with sharp edges. Be careful during installation.