PoE napájanie

PoE (Power over Ethernet) je názov radu metód, ktoré umožňujú napájanie sieťových zariadení cez UTP/FTP káble. Týmto spôsobom je možné napájanie zariadení, ako sú kamery, telefóny, prepínače, prístupové body, atď.

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Optimizing hard drives for CCTV systems on the example of Seagate SkyHawk

A hard drive is a key element of any CCTV system. Its parameters are crucial for the quality and reliability of camera video recording. HDDs employed for monitoring purposes work under conditions different than those used in PCs.

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How to secure monitoring systems against cyber attacks?

Video monitoring devices can be easily classified into a wider range of products that can form the Internet of Things (IoT). Many devices used in everyday life, such as TV sets, refrigerators or washing machines with embedded electronic systems and equipped with network interfaces can process and transfer data via network connections.

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License plate recognition (LPR) systems - part 1: Camera positioning

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Thermal imaging cameras in video surveillance systems

The use of thermal imaging cameras is no longer limited to buildings or installations critical to the defense of a country, or scientific applications. Cameras of this kind are employed to monitor unlit areas with dense vegetation, various processes in factories, power plants, oil and gas installations, at airports, etc. The best results can be achieved by creating systems consisting of optical and thermal cameras. This is due to different principles of operation and diverse forms of the generated images. An important part of such systems is image analysis. Thermal imaging cameras used for monitoring purposes usually have essential tools for image analysis, such as motion detection and detection of temperature changes beyond a preset range.

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Ako to je so štandardom ONVIF?

Vývoj IP CCTV systémov bol veľmi ovplyvnený nedostatkom kompatibility zariadení a nízkou mierou flexibility, pokiaľ ide o budúce rozšírenie. Používatelia si nemohli vyberať výrobky od rôznych výrobcov, nehovoriac o integrácii s inými systémami. ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) je otvorené priemyselné fórum zamerané na koordináciu úsilia o vytvorenie spoločného, globálneho štandardu pre IP CCTV systémy.

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H.264 kompresia - spoznajte a naučte sa používať v praxi

H.264 kompresia a možnosť ovládania v moderných CCTV zariadeniach.

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Optimization of CCTV camera settings

When selecting a model of a camera we are usually interested in possibility of adjustments to various operating conditions. Of course, more advanced models have more capabilities, simpler devices have some parameters fixed. However, in order to be able to take full advantage of the adjustments, please refer to their technical data and user manuals. We are here discussing a number of typical settings having an impact on the quality of the image, both positive and negative. Such knowledge will help you achieve the best practical results of the camera operation. The impact of changes in camera settings will be demonstrated for ACTI cameras, but the rules apply to other types of cameras from different manufacturers.

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Čo je to DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) a ako ho používať?

DNS (Domain Name System) je služba, ktorá prekladá doménové adresy na IP adresy. Znamená to teda, že si nemusíte pamätať adresu servera v číselnej forme, ako napr. - môžete použiť adekvátne DNS meno servera, napr. www.dipol.com.pl. DNS server preloží textovú adresu na číselnú IP adresu a na jej základe klient kontaktuje cieľový server.

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Internetový CCTV SPRIEVODCA - zdroje napájania a príslušenstvo

Nesprávne napájanie kamery je často hlavný dôvod poruchovosti CCTV systému.

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