Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]


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Vysoko kvalitný 75 ohmový koaxiálny kábel Tri-Shield DIPOLNET E1220_300 je určený pre individuálne a zdieľané anténne systémy. Kábel je vhodný pre distribúciu DVB-T, DAB, FM vysielania a satelitných DVB-S/S2 kanálov, aj v multiprepínacích systémoch (SMATV).
Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Core made of 1.02 mm diameter copper wire and triple shield - Al/PET/Al + 77% braid + second Al/PET/Al foil).
Key features
  • complies with A-class requirements
  • 1.02 mm copper core
  • low loss
  • perfect impedance matching
  • high screening efficiency: A+ class in the vast majority of the transmission range
  • min 77% braid coverage
Smernica CPR – koaxiálne a krútené dvojlinky odporúčané pre nízkoprúdové inštalácie v bytových domoch.

For more on cable fire resistance classes, read The CPR Directive - the new cable order
DIPOLNET cables are compliant with Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and EN 50575 harmonized European standard that specifies reaction to fire performance requirements, test and assessment methods for electric cables used for the supply of electricity and for control and communication purposes, which are intended for use in construction works and subject to performance requirements on reaction to fire.
Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Koaxiálny kábel DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu E1220 75 ohmov bol testovaný autorizovanou inštitúciou L.S. Fire Testing Institute Srl s číslom (NB 2479) a získal klasifikáciu Eca podľa EN 13501-6 (reakcia na oheň).
The DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu E1220 cable EN50117 fulfills the requirements
for class A (screening efficiency) of the EN50117 standard in the 5...3000 MHz band.

RoHS compliance declaration.

DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu kábel má pokrytie opletením 77%, čo je základom pre vysokú sieťovú účinnosť.
The high-quality, triple-shielded coaxial cable of RG6 category has the inner conductor made of copper wire with a diameter of 1.02 mm, which ensures low loss and durability. The copper wire core does not corrode and the cable is not stiff.
Vďaka vysokej kvalite a vynikajúcim parametrom sa kábel teší veľkej obľube medzi mnohými inštalatérmi. Optimálna pružnosť plášťa umožňuje jednoduchú inštaláciu kábla v káblových rozvodoch a inštalačných krabiciach.
The cable is manufactured under strict technological discipline, with tight tolerances.
In order to secure the minimum bend radius, flush mounted installations should be done with the use of protective tubes.
Signal distribution networks in SMATV systems use multiple coaxial cables arranged in parallel. The lengths of the cable bundles in buildings can reach even 100 meters. It is the reason why the coaxial cables should be characterized by at least the A class of screening efficiency. Effective shielding reduces the crosstalk among the cables, i.e. the unwanted signals coming from adjacent cables. The interference could lead to image distortions or even image "freezing", similarly to situations with weak or low quality signals. High quality TRISET coaxial cables guarantee the required level of isolation between signal paths.

Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
činnosť tienenia kábla DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu v rozsahu 30-3000 MHz
a požiadavky na triedu A a A+

Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Transfer impedance of DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu cable in 5-30 MHz range. Cable fullfil requirements for class A+.
Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Insertion loss in the 5-3000 MHz range
Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Koaxiálny kábel (75 ohm, trieda A): DIPOLNET Tri-Shield RG-6 Cu 1.02/4.8/7.0 [300m]
Insertion loss in the 5-3000 MHz range and Smith chart showing the impedance of the cable. The measurements were taken at two ends of 100 m cable length. Deviations from the nominal value of 75 Ω not exceeding 1% ensure perfect impedance matching in the transmission path.
Podľa normy EN50117 sú nasledujúce triedy koaxiálnych káblov, v závislosti na účinnosti tienenia: C, B, A, A +, A + +.
Triedy účinnosti tienenia
Class\freq. range
5-30 MHz [mΩ/m] 30-1000 MHz [dB] 1-2 GHz [dB] 2-3 GHz [dB]
C 50 75 65 55
B 15 75  65 55
A 5 85  75 65
A+ 2.5 95  85 75
A++ 0.9 105  95 85



Cena za 300m kábla

Technické dáta

Product type Coaxial cable
Cable length m 300
Cable class RG-6
Compliance with relevant national legislation Yes
CPR class Eca
Gel-filled cable No
Fyzikálne vlastnosti
Impedance Ohm 75
Screening efficiency class A+
Transfer impedance TI mΩ/m
Conductor Material
Diameter mm 1,02
Dielectric foaming Physical
Diameter mm 4,8
No. of plies 3
First foil bonded to dielectric
Dimensions μm
total thickness μm 41
Braid Material
wire diameter mm 0,12
no. of wires pcs. 16 × 8
winding angle degree 26,69
braid coverage 77
Second foil bonded to sheath No
Material Al/P/Al
ply thickness μm 10/15/10
total thickness μm 41
sheath Material PVC
thickness mm 0,7
Diameter mm 7
Elektrické parametre
Resistance at 20°C Ω/km ≤32 (shield) ≤22 (conductor)
capacity pF/m 52,5
Wave reduction factor 80
Mechanické vlastnosti
Pracovná teplota °C -20...+70
Installation temperature °C -10...+40
Minimum bending radius mm 70
Weight kg/km 45
Spool Diameter mm 300
Width mm 290
priemer otvoru cievky mm 39
m 300


Zatlačenie konektora F Platinum na kábel RG-6 Tri-Shield

Video predstavuje ako komprimovať konektory na DIPOLNET Tri-Shield kábel vyznačujúci sa vysokou tieniacou účinnosťou (trieda A), vďaka dvom Al/P/Al fóliám a 77% opletením. S týmito vlastnosťami je kábel vhodný pre všetky distribučné RF systémy, vrátane SMATV systémov založených na multiprepínačoch.

Terminating lines in telecommunication junction box

Practical implementation of a home junction box.