Koaxiálny kábel 75 Ohm TRISET-113 PE+gel Fca trieda A 1,13/4,8/6,8 100 dB [200m]

Kód tovaru: E1017_200
Cena s DPH Zľava Počet Platnosť
€179.25 0 % od 1 ks.
K dispozícii
TRISET-113 PE (vonkajší) dvojito tienený koaxiálny kábel typu RG6 má vnútorný vodič z medeného drôtu s priemerom 1,13 mm.
• Navrhnuté pre všetky typy inštalácií - najmä pozemné a satelitné televízne siete
• PE povlak - vonkajší kábel
• Odolný voči UV žiareniu
• Gél, ktorý bráni šíreniu vlhkosti vo vnútri potrubia
• Trieda tienenia: A
• Medené jadro 1,13 mm
• Hliníkový oplet 81%
• Dvojité plátno: fólia/prámik
• CPR Trieda: Fca
• 200 metrov


5-ročná záruka.


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Vysoko kvalitný koaxiálny kábel Triset-113 PE E1017_200 sa používa v jednotlivých a komunitných anténnych inštaláciách SMATV systémoch a pod., pre distribúciu DVB-T, FM / DAB, DVB-S / S2 vysielania (tiež v multiprepínačových systémoch). Vďaka PE oplášteniu môže byť kábel plnený gélom inštalovaný vonku, napr. pre pripojenie antén umiestnených na strechách atď.
Cable structure.
Key features
  • complies with A-class requirements
  • passed IEC 68-2-3 Steady State Damp Heat test
  • 1.13 mm copper core
  • low loss
  • perfect matching,
  • high screening efficiency - A+ class in the vast majority of the transmission range
  • 81% braid coverage
  • 5-year warranty
Smernica CPR – koaxiálne a krútené dvojlinky odporúčané pre nízkoprúdové inštalácie v bytových domoch.
Pre viac informácií o triedach požiarnej odolnosti káblov si prečítajte Smernicu CPR – nová objednávka káblov
TRISET cables are compliant with Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and EN 50575 harmonized standard that specifies reaction to fire performance requirements, test and assessment methods for electric cables used for the supply of electricity and for control and communication purposes, which are intended for use in construction works and subject to performance requirements on reaction to fire.
Vysokokvalitný TV/satelitný koax. kábel (A-trieda, 18,1dB/100m pri 862MHz) v PE plášti plnený gélom. Pre vonkajšie aplikácie.
RoHS compliance declaration.
The cable is sold in the quantities:
Kábel Triset-113 PE E1017_200 má opletenie 81%, čo je základom pre vysokú účinnosť tienenia.
The high-quality, double shielded coaxial cable of RG6 category has the inner conductor made of copper wire with a diameter of 1.13 mm, which ensures low loss and durability. The copper wire core does not corrode and the cable is not stiff.
Vďaka vysokej kvalite a vynikajúcim parametrom sa kábel teší veľkej obľube medzi mnohými inštalatérmi. Optimálna pružnosť plášťa umožňuje jednoduchú inštaláciu kábla v káblových kanáloch a inštalačných krabiciach.
The cable is manufactured under strict technological discipline, with tight tolerances.
In order to secure the minimum bend radius, flush mounted installations should be done with the use of protective tubes.
Screening efficiency of TRISET-113 cable in the 30-3000 MHz range
and the requirements for A class
Koaxiálny kábel 75ohm (trieda A): TRISET-113 PE (gélom plnený) [1m]
Transfer impedance of TRISET-113 cable in 5-30 MHz range
and the requirements for A class
Koaxiálny kábel 75ohm (trieda A): TRISET-113 PE (gélom plnený) [1m]
Insertion loss in the 5-2400 MHz frequency range
Koaxiálny kábel 75ohm (trieda A): TRISET-113 PE (gélom plnený) [1m]
Return loss in the 5-2400 MHz frequency range
Signal propagation velocity in the 5-2400 MHz frequency range
The increase of attenuation after the accelerated aging test (IEC68-2-3) is below 5%
Koaxiálny kábel 75ohm (trieda A): TRISET-113 PE (gélom plnený) [1m]
Coaxial cables undergo a natural aging process which results in increasing attenuation. The quality of a cable in the process of accelerated aging is tested according to IEC68-2-3 standard. The Triset cable passed the test and its quality is guaranteed by a 5-year warranty.
According to EN50117 norm, there are the next classes of coaxial cables, depending on screening efficiency: C, B, A, A+, A++.
Taking into consideration cables for antenna systems, Triset 113 has the highest screening efficiency, between A and A+.
Classes of screening efficiency
Class\freq. range
5-30 MHz [mΩ/m] 30-1000 MHz [dB] 1-2 GHz [dB] 2-3 GHz [dB]
C 50 75 65 55
B 15 75  65 55
A 5 85  75 65
A+ 2.5 95  85 75
A++ 0.9 105  95 85



Price for 200m

Technické dáta

Product type Coaxial cable
type TRISET 113
Cable length m 200
Cable class RG-6
CPR class FCA
Gel-filled cable Yes
Fyzikálne vlastnosti
Impedance Ohm 75
Screening efficiency class A
Transfer impedance TI mΩ/m <5
Conductor Material
Diameter mm 1,13
Dielectric foaming Physical
Diameter mm 4,8
No. of plies 2
First foil bonded to dielectric Yes
Material Al/PET/Al
Dimensions μm 30/12/30
total thickness μm 75
Braid Material
wire diameter mm 0,12
no. of wires pcs. 24 × 6
winding angle degree 19,34
braid coverage 81
sheath Material PE
thickness mm 0,8
Diameter mm 6,8
Elektrické parametre
Resistance at 20°C Ω/km 16,85
capacity pF/m 52
Wave reduction factor 84
Mechanické vlastnosti
Pracovná teplota °C -30...+70
Installation temperature °C -5...+40
Minimum bending radius mm 35 (single) 70 (repeated)
Spool Diameter mm 290
Width mm 200
priemer otvoru cievky mm 120
m 200


Installation of MASTER F-type and BNC connectors

A short presentation how to compress F connector on TRISET-113 cable and BNC connector on RG-59 cable.

Terminating lines in telecommunication junction box

Practical implementation of a home junction box.

F connector E80274 Platinum crimping on Triset 113 coaxial cable

Top-quality F-connector Platinum for use on TRISET-113 coax. The connector has been designed to ensure watertightness (after crimping) both from the side of the cable and the device. During compression of the connector another plastic bush is tightly pressed against the sheath of the cable (by putting on cone brass case - the compression ring). The plastic material is protected by patent Delrin of well known for quality of products DuPont company. It is UV-proof, and ensures stable physical parameters in very wide temperature range. The metal parts of the connector made of nickel-plated brass are corrosion-proof.